Why you should never wipe more than 3 times after pooping

Let’s face it—everyone’s been there. You finish doing your business in the bathroom, grab some toilet paper, and before you know it, you’re wiping again… and again… and again. Maybe it takes three wipes, maybe five, maybe even more. But according to one health expert, if you’re wiping more than three times, it might be a sign that something isn’t quite right.

In a viral TikTok video, Georgia Reupert-Allen, a pelvic floor physiotherapist from BIEN Australia, shares some surprising insight that’s sparked conversation online. Her professional advice? If you find yourself wiping more than three times, you’re probably experiencing something called “fecal smearing.” While that might sound like just a messy inconvenience, it could actually point to a deeper issue related to how your body is functioning during a bowel movement.

Reupert-Allen explains that fecal smearing occurs when there’s still stool left near the entrance of your anus even after you’ve had a bowel movement. In other words, instead of being done and clean after one or two wipes, residual feces lingers, requiring multiple attempts to get completely clean. And the more you wipe, the more irritated the skin can become, which can make things worse.

Now, before you start panicking or stockpiling more toilet paper, there’s some good news. Reupert-Allen offers a simple and effective solution that doesn’t involve any fancy products or uncomfortable procedures. She recommends a technique called “progressive pelvic floor muscle squeezing.” Don’t let the long name scare you—it’s actually quite easy to do.

Here’s how it works: While finishing up your bowel movement, try to engage your pelvic floor muscles in a series of gentle squeezes. Think of it like a waterfall pattern—you start with a light squeeze at 20%, then increase the intensity gradually to 50%, then 80%, and finally go all-in at 100%. Repeat this sequence four times. The idea is to fully engage the muscles around your anal sphincter to help close everything off properly and push out any stool that might still be hanging around.

This technique helps to strengthen your external sphincter muscles, which are key to finishing a bowel movement completely. When those muscles are weak or not fully activated, they might allow small amounts of stool to remain, which leads to—you guessed it—endless wiping. By practicing these progressive squeezes, you’re giving your body a better chance to handle the process cleanly and efficiently.

Of course, not every case of excessive wiping can be solved this way. Reupert-Allen acknowledges that there are other possible reasons for this issue, such as hemorrhoids or scar tissue in the anal area. These conditions can interfere with the way your body expels waste and might require medical attention. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you’re regularly struggling with wiping, or you notice pain, itching, or bleeding, it’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare provider.

As for how often you should be going to the bathroom, the general rule of thumb is anywhere from one to three times a day, or at the very least, three times a week. Everyone’s digestive system is a little different, but if you’re having fewer bowel movements than that—or if your stools are consistently difficult to pass—it could be a sign of constipation or another issue worth discussing with your doctor.

Naturally, the TikTok comment section exploded with reactions. Some people shared their own experiences, while others joked about “hairy situations” and long, drawn-out bathroom sessions. It’s clear this video struck a chord with a lot of folks who didn’t even realize their wiping habits might indicate something more than just a bad burrito.

So what’s the takeaway here? Wiping more than three times isn’t just a nuisance—it might be a signal that your body needs a little support. By practicing the pelvic floor squeeze technique, staying aware of your bathroom habits, and consulting a doctor when necessary, you can work toward a cleaner, more comfortable, and more efficient routine. Your bathroom experience doesn’t have to be a struggle, and your toilet paper supply doesn’t have to run out so fast either.

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